GROUP Posts: Bethany Boggs

VI- The lovers– Falling in love, true love, marriage, partnership, or security in a relationship
In reverse– separation, insecurity, broken home, or divorce
This card tends to show up with relationships, but if it comes up with a work reading, it refers to the feelings of security in your job and a situation where you are part of a “family.”
If the Lovers appears in reverse, you are likely feeling that your job isn’t stable or are involved in a dispute of some kind with a coworker.

VII The Chariot
VII- The Chariot– Overcoming problems or conflicts, willpower and ambition
In reverse– stalled, lack of willpower, overwhelm, and loss of ambitions.
This is an excellent card if it comes up right side up. It’s demonstrating the drive you have to get your job done, or that you’ll be able to overcome workplace and relationship feuds more easily.
If Chariot comes up reversed, you’ll feel like you’re being stalled in your career, or your relationship will feel like it’s spinning in place.
READ Bethany’s complete “Tarot Guide” on the New Age Dream Chick website…