GROUP Posts: Bethany Boggs

General- Upright
This is the masculine form of the empress and means everything is under control. You are able to handle anything and everything life throws at you.
The Emperor shows that you’re in a secure place in life and everything is going your way.
In a Love Reading
If you’re with someone, you feel secure in the relationship. This is a very good time and things will be going well.
If you are single, it is what you want – you’ll be happy about being single and feeling good alone.
In a Career or Money Reading
Your job or career is going well. You see plenty of return for any investment and have no fears of unemployment. You may even be receiving a raise or promotion soon.
General- Reversed
An Emperor reversed is a loss of control and means that either you or someone else is being a control freak.
It may also signify a lack of security and could even warn of impending loss.
In a Love Reading- Reversed
Things aren’t going well and the card could be a sign that one or both partners are trying to control or facing a break up.
There is still a chance, but the relationship won’t be stable if the controller doesn’t see the error.
In a Career or Money Reading- Reversed
You feel like your finances are out of control. You’re drowning in debt and cant see a way out.
There are ways you can fix things, but it will take a lot of work and self-control. You may also be at risk of losing your job or your business going bankrupt.
This could be a warning, so you have a chance to correct the issue before it leads to loss – but you are dealing with insecurity.

V The Hierophant
This card has a spiritual meaning. It’s the masculine form of the high priestess, a male spiritual leader.
Upright meaning- the Hierophant is wisdom, divinity, and life. The spiritual self is constantly learning and this shows that you’re well on your path.
Love reading:
You are feeling secure in your relationship, or a relationship is coming that will make you feel more confident.
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The path to financial stability is clear. You are secure in your career and making progress toward financial goals.
This shows that your personal beliefs interfere with your ability to fit in with society’s standards. You also feel that you’re going against tradition and popular opinion.
The Hierophant reversed in a love reading implies that you’re not feeling very secure in the situation you’re in. You may be in a relationship that is failing or doubting that you will ever find someone. You may also have a sense of going against your values in a current relationship.
If you pull the Hierophant for a career
You either feel your career isn’t secure or are afraid of failing financially. It could also denote your fears about ever finding a job or having to compromise your values to keep a job.

VI The lovers