Writers mixsocietymail@gmail.com

mx-society.org is looking for features, news, photojournalism, academic papers, essays, letters, etc. for the magazine.

Marriage Cat Magazine

marriagecatmag@gmail.com Seeking Books/First Chapters/Short Stories/films, Poetry, arts articles, editorials, reviews, psychic readings, Videos, and other literature. Email whatever you’d like to publish. It will get read. Follow the magazine: twitter.com/marriagecatmag   instagram.com/marriagecatmag

Black and white illustration of the "High Priestess" holding one of her sacred books. Writers Arcanum Group of Sacramento - Find Writers, Freelance Writers

Writers – writersarcanum@gmail.com

Seeking divination/spiritual articles of every type for the website.

Black and white illustration of a book with sunlight. writersarcanum.group - Earn-25-percent-LDP-Books

livredoux.com Earn 25% LDP Books

Sign up as an Affiliate at: https://livredoux.com/affiliate-marketing-programs and earn 25% of each sale.

frompwcd.com Write Something!

Seeking male and female writers for individual articles. Pays within 90 days – must be 500 words or more. Write on any topic related to reproductive freedom and female empowerment.

Dark grey background with yellow and white text. writersarcanum.group - zendyx.com Affiliate System

zendyx.com Affiliate System

marriagecat.com SUBMISSIONS

Marriage Cat Mag is seeking short stories, first chapters, poetry/prose, journalism, etc. Send whatever you’d like to publish. FEATURES should be at least 500 words.

Black illustration of a moon symbol. writersarcanum.group - seeking-book-reviews-writersarcanum-com

writersarcanum.com Book Reviews

Writers Arcanum needs book reviews for its content site. Classics and bestsellers a bonus.